Posted on 2023-06-08 | Tags:
I have just released a new website: The aim is to have a place where you can store arbitrary badges, and update them programatically.
I previously had a similar project: LOCCounterBadge, in which you could provide a repo, and it would count the lines of code, and display it out as a badge. Give it a webhook and it would keep updating the badge as you pushed code.
However said project was quite cumbersome to use. You would need to set up a deploy key (if it was private), and a webhook for each of your projects. solves this problem by providing badges generally instead of tied to a repo. This allows you to set up a CI pipeline like github actions to count your lines of code (or other task), which sends a PUT request to the API, updating the badge.
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A benchmark of OpenAPI-Capable RESTful frameworks
Posted on 2022-05-11 | Tags:
These last weeks I have been working on a benchmark of different REST frameworks, with the constraint that they are capable of generating OpenAPI documents by annotating code. The github repo can be found
Some motivation first; At work we have an Apache Solr backend, containing documents that are shown in our front-end applications. These documents contain sensitive registry data, and therefore need to be anonymized before reaching the front-end client. We therefore need to have a thin layer in front of our Solr server, that makes sure only data that we actually are allowed to show out is shown.
I wanted to see which alternatives were out there, and which one was the best to achieve a balance between performance, and ease of writing code.
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New blog features, and framework changes
Posted on 2022-01-04 | Tags:
For the past couple of months I have done a complete redesign of the blog, separating front-end and back-end completely, and rewriting it to use Svelte. In addition, I have added some new features. In this post I want to discuss the following:
- Svelte and Sveltekit
- Rewriting the blog front-end
- Adding new features
- Aliasing
- Dynamic menus
- Docker
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Reflections on small-scale web services
Posted on 2021-08-08 | Tags:
I recently made a
Lines of Code badge publishing solution, whose purpose was to take a git project, count its LoC, and show the image out to the user in the form of a github badge.
This led me into the thought process of which web framework would be the most capable to do the following
- Display a picture out to the user
- Execute shell programs safely from API calls
- Simple to use
In the end I ended up choosing Python with flask, which seems to get the job done, and I wish to in this post explain my thought process.
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A new front-page
Posted on 2021-02-19 | Tags:
The last time got a redesign was in 2016. It was build on the aging Adobe Dreamweaver platform, and meant as a series of static pages. Now comes the next redesign, into a blog meant for dynamic content, with a blog engine written from the ground up with C# and ASP.Net Core, with Vue.js as the front-end framework.
On this blog I plan to primarily release programming posts regarding ongoing projects, and maybe other tech related tidbits. A redesign has been in the plans for a long time, but only recently, when I tried creating a new design, did I realize that there were not a lot of interesting information to put on the front page. So I decided to instead turn the blog itself into the entry point for the site.
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